The National Occupational Research Agenda for Construction is intended to identify the knowledge and actions most urgently needed to identify occupational risk factors to prevent avoidable adverse health outcomes among workers. This agenda provides a vehicle for stakeholders to describe the most relevant issues, research gaps, and safety and health needs for the Construction sector. It is meant to be broader than any one agency or organization.
A variety of information sources were used to develop these objectives. The Council elected to adopt NIOSH’s burden, need and impact framework for considering potential objectives. Participants represented a cross-section of groups and individuals and provided a variety of construction perspectives. The Sector Council members discussed burden, need, and impact; possible objectives; and supporting rationale during online meetings. Workgroups were formed around potential construction sector objectives that workgroups began to discuss and develop. At a face-to-face meeting, each workgroup presented their draft objective statement, objective language and supporting rationale, along with corresponding burden, need, and impact related to the particular objective. Objectives were refined in subsequent virtual and face-to-face meeting. After considering public comments and making revisions, the final version was published in 2018.